Flying Fish Robot From London Could Become The Future Of Sea Travel
International Business Times,
Move out RC boats; there's a new fish in town! Scientists at the Imperial College of London have developed a leaping, farting…
Move out RC boats; there's a new fish in town! Scientists at the Imperial College of London have developed a leaping, farting…
Researchers harness simple chemistry to propel this robot out of the water and into the air Robots that can navigate different…
Scientists have created a flying fish-like robot that jumps into the air from water.
You probably know the GIF as the perfect vehicle for sharing memes and reactions.
Den lilla glidflygaren kastar sig ur vattnet och kan färdas 26 meter. Drivkraften är en kemisk reaktion, och kalciumkarbiden räck…
Fish out of Water For environmental researchers, using robots to collect much-needed water samples can be tricky.
The robot can jump multiple times after refilling its water tank Researchers have created a ‘flying fish’ robot capable of…
Ein Roboter, der gleichermaßen fliegen und schwimmen kann, wäre ideal, um etwa nach einem Unfall in einem Atomkraftwerk oder…
Drones that can both swim and fly are no longer in the distant future. Imperial College London's Aerial Robotics Lab built a…
Drones that can both swim and fly are no longer in the distant future. Imperial College London's Aerial Robotics Lab built a…
A bio-inspired robot can use water from the environment to launch itself into the air, British researchers revealed.
At ICRA 2015, the Aerial Robotics Lab at the Imperial College London presented a concept for a multimodal flying swimming robot…
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) -- Engineers at Imperial College London have invented a tiny "flying fish" robot that can use…
Roboter, die von Wasser in Luft übergehen können, sind in bestimmten Situationen wünschenswert.
Direkt aus dem Wasser in die Luft: Forschende präsentieren eine Art «Flugfisch»- Roboter, der von der Wasseroberfläche starten…
Der Start aus dem Wasser in die Luft ist für kleine Roboter eine knifflige Sache, weil er viel Energie benötigt.
Datenschutz Direkt aus dem Wasser in die Luft: Forschende präsentieren eine Art "Flugfisch"- Roboter, der von der Wasseroberfläch…
Direkt aus dem Wasser in die Luft: Forschende präsentieren eine Art «Flugfisch»- Roboter, der von der Wasseroberfläche starten…
Direkt aus dem Wasser in die Luft: Forschende präsentieren eine Art "Flugfisch"- Roboter, der von der Wasseroberfläche starten…
Durch den Wasserstrahl stösst sich der Roboter von der Wasseroberfläche in die Luft und gleitet eine kurze Strecke.
( Nanowerk News ) A bio-inspired bot uses water from the environment to create a propelling gas and launch itself from the water…
08:57 Ein bio-inspirierter Roboter nutzt Wasser aus der Umwelt, um ein Antriebsgas zu erzeugen und von der Wasseroberfläche zu…
08:58 A bio-inspired bot uses water from the environment to create a propelling gas and launch itself from the water’s surface.
Engineers often look to nature for inspiration when creating robots. Just look at Astro the robot dog or the antelope-like…
Von der Natur abgeschaut: Forscher haben einen Roboter konzipiert, der vom Wasser aus in die Luft abheben kann.
Scientists have created a flying fish-like robot that jumps into the air from water.
The robot, which can travel 26 metres through the air after take-off, could be used to collect water samples in hazardous and…
Video: "'Flying fish' robot can propel itself out of water and glide through the air" A "flying fish" robot that can burst out…
A bio-inspired bot uses water from the environment to create a gas and launch itself from the water's surface.
The robot can jump multiple times after refilling its water tank Researchers have created a ‘flying fish’ robot capable of…
Illustration of the robot leaping out of the water. Credit: Aerial Robotics Lab/Imperial College London A bio-inspired bot uses…
By The flying fish robot Aerial Robotics Lab/Imperial College London Like a flying fish gliding above the water’s surface, a…
From Popular Mechanics Scientists have created a flying fish-like robot that jumps into the air from water.
A "flying fish" robot that can burst out of the water and into flight has been developed in the hope it can assist in the event…
A "flying fish" robot that can burst out of the water and into flight has been developed in the hope it can assist in the event…
A "flying fish" robot that can burst out of the water and into flight has been developed in the hope it can assist in the event…
A bio-inspired bot uses water from the environment to create a gas and launch itself from the water’s surface.